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Hello and Welcome! I am SO glad you are here!​​ 


A little about me … My name is Deneese and I live in Evansville, the 3rd​​ largest city in Indiana. ​​ I am a massage therapist, which I love because I get to help people every day. I love​​ spending time with friends and family and have a wide variety of interests. My love of music and writing permeates every part of my life and is truly a gift from God. My relationship with Jesus is the most beautiful and precious thing to me and I long to know Him more and more deeply every day – the heights of His glory and the vastness of His love, the depths of His mercy and the power of His blood. ​​ I love to delve into the Word, a treasure trove of truth that holds all the mysteries of God - the mere thought of which causes my heart to beat a little faster.​​ 


I long to “fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel” (Ephesians 6:19). Walking with Jesus is quite literally the journey of a lifetime, and my​​ desire​​ is to provide some hope and inspiration as you travel along this journey of faith, some refreshment and comfort as you rest along the way, and some laughter to remind you of God’s goodness and sense of humor!


Much love!







  • Diane Niemeier

    I love that you have made this blog! You are truly an inspiration to others and sharing Gods word to all! I miss working with you! You are a gem! ❤️🙏

    • Deneese Myers

      Thank you, Diane! God is so GREAT! I’m so thankful for the way He touches our hearts at just the right time with just the right message! Miss seeing you on a daily basis! Deneese 💖

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