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There’s Something in the Water

One of the countless beautiful things about the Bible is that it so masterfully paints a picture, highlighting the connection of scripture to every aspect of our lives. ​​ 


Just recently while reading my daily devotion from​​ Jesus Calling​​ by Sara Young, I came across a verse that spoke to me profoundly. I didn’t recall ever having read this verse before, but when I looked it up in my Bible, it was already underlined (I love when that happens)! God loves to reveal Himself in surprising, sweet and personal ways, like sending a love note. This beautiful gem was tucked away, waiting for just the right time to overwhelm me with His love.




Deep calls to deep


all your waves and breakers

have swept over me.


(Psalm 42:7)




The moment I read this verse I was reminded of one of my favorite descriptive passages found in Revelation. ​​ 




I turned around to see the

voice that was speaking to me.

And when I turned I saw

seven golden lampstands,

and among the lampstands

was someone like a

son of man,

dressed in a robe reaching

down to his feet and

with a golden sash

around his chest.

The hair on his head

was white like wool,

as white as snow,

and his eyes

were like blazing fire.

His feet were like bronze

glowing in a furnace,




(Revelation 1:12-15)




One of those perfect moments of connection happened years ago when I originally read this passage in Revelation. It had been a jaw-dropping, intimate “Jesus & Me” moment that blew me away - one of those sweet occasions when God’s Word makes me giddy!​​ 


There are many times when God’s Word affects me so deeply! ​​ I will never forget when I first read Revelation 1:15. To hear Jesus’ voice described as the sound of rushing waters touched me in such a powerful and personal way. ​​ 


I have always been soothed by bodies of water. Beautiful water, whether still, flowing or rushing, brings me joy and amazing peace. The places I most long to visit are all located around water and simply looking at pictures of them sooths and inspires me. Upon reading “His voice was like the sound of rushing waters,” it struck me that this truth was the reason behind my deep connection with water – I hear Him calling in its many sounds:


The soft whisper of​​ drizzling rain​​ is His still small voice tenderly speaking into the secret corners of my heart, longing to inhabit every nook and cranny, even those hiding my deepest desires, feelings, doubts and fears. He wants it all. There isn’t anything lurking in there that He doesn’t already know. His heart breaks for the things that break mine, but I need to let Him in to those painful parts so He can teach me how to conquer them in His strength as He goes before me. Romans 8:37 says, “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors​​ through him who loved us.” It humbles and comforts me to know that because of His sacrifice which​​ annihilated sin and death, I have been freed from its entanglement and can walk in absolute victory. The things that war against me are deceitful beyond my comprehension and will continually look for a way to once again take over parts of my life, but the only power they have is that which I give them. ​​ I often find myself pleading with God through clenched teeth to keep these “things” (sin, doubt, fear, etc.) away from me, though He has already defeated them …​​ 




For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
    so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,
    so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”


(Psalm 103:12)




I, even I, am he who blots out   your transgressions, for my own sake,​​ and​​ remembers your sins no more.


(Isaiah 43:25)




… and they are gone forever. ​​ He paid the highest price to deliver me from them. ​​ So, once I have repented, God’s response to that request must be, “What, those things? They are gone!” ​​ How it must break His heart that I just don’t get it sometimes. ​​ 


His all-encompassing presence is experienced in the​​ deluge of a​​ downpour. It surrounds and drenches me, at times overwhelming in its power. It cleanses and refreshes, leaving me breathless and enveloped in His tender grasp. Like rain pouring from the sky, He showers me with His blessings even beyond my imagination.​​ 




I will make them and the places surrounding my hill

a blessing. I will send down showers in season;

there will be showers of blessing.


(Ezekiel 34:26)



A​​ babbling brook​​ hints at the gentleness of His Spirit. His plans are continually moving forward, and its gentle flow represents the times I need to move more slowly, catching my breath before quickening my pace. Sometimes I need to slow down so I don’t miss a divine appointment as I race by. As a believer, I am called to​​ pour into the lives of those who don’t yet know Jesus, wherever our paths may cross. No matter the path or pace, God’s Kingdom continues to advance.


Flowing rivers​​ speak to the predetermined march of His purpose, powerfully driving His plan toward the fulfillment of His design. ​​ They are always on the offense and they absolutely cannot be stopped. ​​ Dams may alter their progress, but still they press on until they reach their ultimate destination. ​​ Whether slowly meandering or swiftly raging, they carve out the various avenues relentlessly flowing toward the establishment of His kingdom.


Waterfalls​​ forcefully propel those waters on, hinting at the power and purpose of His unstoppable will driving His plan toward fruition, His perfect design mightily hastening the day of His return. The concept of His voice roaring like a waterfall reminds me of one of my all-time favorite movie scenes. In​​ The Last of the Mohicans,​​ the “good guys,” are being led by Hawkeye (Daniel-Day Lewis) to safety as they are pursued by the enemy. ​​ At one point they come upon a waterfall with a cave tucked behind its cascading waters. ​​ Dwelling safely behind its wall of protection, they were completely hidden just as we are hidden in Him. ​​ His voice roars through the waters, warning any enemies of His unmatchable power and strength. But there are openings on either side, offering opportunities to venture out into a dangerous world​​ full of sin and deception, or inviting the enemy into our place of refuge, where he can dig his heels in and try to destroy from within.​​ 

The​​ vast oceans​​ cover 2/3 of the earth’s surface and are perpetually in motion, demonstrating the unrelenting power by which His Spirit reaches every corner of the world and contains mysteries we will never begin to understand. The waves gently kiss or violently crash upon the shores as they advance from every corner of the earth and nothing is beyond their grasp as they rise and fall unchecked and unyielding, incapable of being contained by any earthly force.


 The various waterways of the earth demonstrate how all roads lead to Christ and like water, we contribute to the ultimate fulfillment of God’s plan - the establishment of His kingdom on the earth. It is from the deepest places He calls to us, coaxing us deeper and deeper as we help show others the way. And they will follow, not following us, but following the sound of His voice flowing through us.


“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said,

rivers of living water will flow from within them.”


John 7:38



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